
We lost an old friend around here. Squirt, a little half horse. Chance found him dead in the corral this morning….

He wasn’t real pretty, or of great conformation, but he sure made a lot of little cowboys and cowgirls happy over the years….

He was born on this ranch, out of a little Shetland mare. His sire was a half Quarter horse, half Belgian, we had raised and had not gelded as quick as we should have. He and Topsy, the little mare, had a fling and 11 months later, here was this tiny little horse walking around with this little squirt of a horse following her.

Dusty, my nephew, started him when Squirt was 2 and Dusty was about 13. I lead Squirt afoot while Dusty rode him, after a blizzard, and we went thru’ and over quite a few snow drifts to get him comfortable with a rider on his back. Not much longer after that, if Dusty pointed him at a telephone pole Squirt would try to climb it, so to speak. Once Dusty came in soaking wet as he had decided to cross the water in a creek where he didn’t think it was too deep. It was…..

Another time, I jumped on Squirt bareback to run the horses in the corral from a small trap. For some reason he decided to buck and when his butt went up, my head went forward and the his head came up… our heads collided in mid air. Some say I am hard headed… but not as hard as Squirt was! I fell off like Artie Johnson used to when he was riding his trike on Laugh In, years ago.

Squirt taught my 3 sons to ride and then moved on to the neighbors kids and then on to Dusty’s son and then on to another set of kids. He came back here a few years ago to train on my grandkids and was doing a good job.

He was never bad about bucking, but would kick up, especially in his later years when he was asked to move at more than a trot. All in all, he was a good feller…

He will be missed.

14 thoughts on “Well….

  1. Thank you all. I take comfort in the fact he was fat and sassy at the end. Can’t ask much more than that!

  2. everybody should be lucky enuff to have one like that……..they don’t come around too often. Consider yourself priviledged……………….

  3. This is for Squirt, from EmmyLou Harris. I hope he’s in greener pastures now.

    There’ll be greener pastures
    Across that border line
    We’ll see new horizons, my darlin’
    Far beyond the great divide

    Pools of clear blue waters
    Star light in the sky
    You’ll be mine forever, my darlin’
    Far beyond the great divide

    Somewhere in the distance
    Northern lights will shine
    You’ll be there beside me, my darlin’
    Far beyond the great divide

    You’ll be mine forever, my darlin’
    Far beyond the great divide

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