It’s a dirty job….

But somebody has to do it…

I went out and fixed some fence today… some of the water traps were getting a little rough around the edges… while down south I noticed a yearling limping as they trailed off., so this late afternoon, Chance, Gus and I went out and ended up roping and doctoring 6 head… found a dead one who we doctored the other day and i really wasn’t surprised… he didn’t look very good at the time but we gave it the old college try…the last one we doctored had a bad eye and a sorry attitude…he was big 900 plus and Chance just houlihaned him with out running him and taking some of the steam off and to top it off he was in a water trap so not much room to maneuver…I knocked my glasses off in my hurry to get him heeled and pulled down as he was on the fight and looking for any horse or body to take his rage out on…Chance managed to pick up my glasses and it only bent them up a little but i would have sworn my horse stepped on them…I got a single and we stretched him out and Chance kept the pressure on while i jumped off and tied his hind feet together and he kept the pressure on while I doctored him…I managed yo get him on his side and get Chances rope off the neck and on to his front feet so he could hold him while I got the other ropes off and still be able to turn him loose… when he came up he was on the fight and looking for trouble but we managed to get away unscathed…I think he’s got some Chiania in him… dirty snotty booger! Our horses were wet with sweat as it was pretty muggy and no breeze.. there are two or three other one who will need attention in another day or two… it does no good to doctor them too quick or it just makes the sickness last longer. on feet and eyes, seems like… most say that on treating pinkeye if you doctor them it takes about 14 days for them to heal and if you don’t it takes two weeks…. 😉 and I think there is a lot of truth in that…

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